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Tuesday, December 27, 2016

The Burke Historia

As my first post, I wanted to try something a little different. This is my first AAR and I decided to do a video AAR from a historical perspective. This is the first in a hopefully weekly series called: The Burke Historia. I might make a few edits and write about why I made a few decisions in a later post. I really a NEED to fix the voice and generally add more transitions (Oh yeah and the bad poetry). I feel like if I took more time on it would have been better but I can see what I was trying to do when I watch it. I've been Realfail, and we are Noobventures.
P.S. Transcript at the Bottom

The Burke Historia

The year was 769. The place, Ireland. The entirety of the island was divided into counties, but in one particular county, a new ruler had just taken power. His name, Art, first of the Burke dynasty. On January 1, Art Burke, at age 33, took the title of Count of Urmhumhain through circumstances now forgotten to history. The count was known for his attractiveness, intelligence, and his love among the people. When he took the throne it signaled a new era. He founded his own dynasty and asked for Landrada Karling’s hand in marriage. Afterward, he managed to reselect every single member of his council while simultaneously selecting their missions, all in the course of one day.

His exploits on day one of his rule were so monumental, the courtier and poet, Chisdai Binyamin, known for being a friend of Art, made the following poem (This is a translation):

“Caesar and Great Alexander all know of their work
They’ve seen the fear in other men they impart
Yet both of them have not met Burke,
Master of his Art.

He changed our realm in one day,
He’ll change Ireland in two
And with this world, he’ll have his way,
And take a world anew

As he kisses his many realms goodbye,
The people all will pray,
‘Cause even if winter is nigh,
They’ve seen god today.”

-Chisdai Binyamin, Burke Dynasty’s official poet

On January 8, 769: Art married Landrada then collected her dowry and a day later one of his scars from a battle long forgotten faded away.

In March, Burke laughed at the death of Stephanus III and was rumored to have muttered, “Maybe I could finally have ladies in my bedchamber now that the old pope isn’t breathing down my neck.”

Two years had passed since his coronation but while the court chaplain had many successes with his mission, Art’s chancellor had not yet fabricated his claim on the neighboring province and the court was getting worried.

On April 771, however, Art discovered his wife was pregnant and was elated with the good news.

On November 9, 771: Carlus Burke was born to Art Burke and Landrada Karling. He was made heir apparent of the County of Urmhumhain and his birth was celebrated by all the fans of the Burke Dynasty.

With the birth of his son and the need to prepare for the oncoming war he’ll instigate, we now end the Historia here. A chapter of Burke history has ended and we will catch up with them next time. Thank you for watching.

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